Yes, women like to be spoiled sometimes and no, the gifts don’t always need to be tangible. But seriously, aside from the We-don’t-need-these-things-to-feel-beautiful women, one cannot deny the role that flowers play in the picture.
And guys, don’t try to fool yourselves into believing women don’t really like flowers, since they die anyway and all. They like them despite that — trust me. Some of them may drop hints that allude to gifts being no huge deal, but here’s a tip: the hints are an act. They care.
Though woman love the idea of a forever kind of love, they still like the idea that you can give them something ephemeral and exciting. Even if it seems that your money is being put to waste, it’s nice to know you spent it on something that will yield a guaranteed smile from them.
Call it shallow, but many women believe that flowers reflect who they are. If you buy obviously cheap flowers, then they may believe you believe they’re cheap. They don’t need to receive flowers daily, so on the special occasions when you take the floral plunge, buy the best, freshest, most fragrant arrangement. It’s a really great way to flatter your lady.
I know it may seem unproductive to you, but many of them like looking at the flowers on their bedside table, on their work desk or in the living room. They can actually spend a minute or two admiring them and smelling their fragrance. Really — they can stop time. Wouldn’t you like to be the reason behind this moment of bliss?

The presence of your flowers sparks the memory of you when gave them, what words you used and the general loveliness of the moment. Flowers are a surefire way to grab a woman’s attention and make her continuously think of you whenever she glances at the bouquet.
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